Sunday, September 23, 2007

Spring is here!

The most beautiful season is back! Spring is here again! Let´s enjoy!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The devil wears Prada

The Devil Wears Prada is the week’s movie at Babel Language Group. The movie is about Andrea Sachs - Anne Hathaway- a young girl who has just graduated and gets the job “a million girls would die for” which is second secretary of Miranda Priestly – Meryl Streep great as always- the merciless editor of fashion magazine Runway.
It´s a fun light movie to watch, partially due to Streep’s wonderful and mean character and also because of the marvelous clothes shown in the movie that will make you want to change your entire wardrobe.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

“Quebec uma sociedade aberta à imigração.”

Palestra: Canadá

“Quebec uma sociedade aberta à imigração.”

Cultura, língua, clima, qualidade de vida, educação, etc.

28 de Setembro, 19:30

Av. República Argentina, 1649 . Curitiba.
Fone: 3242 9696 ou 3342 9514


Saturday, September 08, 2007


Pictures of our Garage Sale.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

This blog is opened to all but is geared specifically to students and teachers of the Number One school of Agua Verde in Curitiba, Parana Brazil.
We welcome all comments about Brazil, Curitiba or the process of learning foreign languages.
You will also see the comments of the participants regarding their latest best reads as well as movies and trips, their experience in learning foreign languages and so on...

Saturday, May 05, 2007

who is the baby?

The first person to guess who this person in the picture is, will receive a T-SHIRT or a Team CAP.

Palestra com Aaron Bilgrad: AN INSIDE VIEW OF HOLLYWOOD

Monday, April 09, 2007


Experiences working on TV shows
meeting STARS
Dia 27/04 – 19:30
Por Aaron Bilgrad.
Aaron Bilgrad é americano, roteirista, tem 26 anos, trabalha em Hollywood.
A palestra será dada em inglês.
Endereço: Rua Rio Grande do Sul, 99 – Água Verde

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Guacamole day

Today, Melissa´s class had a unit about Mexico. Pierre taught the class how to make Guacamole, one of mexico traditional recipe. Along with the dip, the students fried home made corn tortilla and turned them into chips. Everyone seemed to enjoy the treat.


Ingredients: 1 small avocado (abacate), 1 mid size tomato thinly chopped, 1 onion chopped in small bits, 2 pieces of ground garlic, 2 teaspoons of salt, 1 chili pepper thinly chopped, 2 sprigs of coriander also called cilentro (cuentro) cut into small pieces and the juice of one medium lime.

Mash the avocado well (puree), add the lime juice and stir the chopped tomato in, add the salt, onion, garlic and cilentro mixing the ingredients well.
Leave the dip in the refrigerator and enjoy with chips (dorito type).

Is a sauce made primarily of avocado with various additions depending on the region of Mexico where the guacamole is made. According to Diana Kennedy the best avocado is Hass and the correct ingredients include white onion, serrano chiles, tomatoes, sea salt and cilantro. Further, although adding a bit of lime juice helps preserve the color of the avocado for a short period of time Ms. Kennedy states it "spoils the balance of the flavors".
Guacamole History
Guacamole dates back to the Aztecs - The Aztecs referred to guacamole as ahuaca-mulli which translates roughly to avocado sauce or avocado mixture. This concoction was very similar to what you might fix now in your own kitchens today. Avocados, the main ingredient in guacamole are a New World food that became quite popular with the Spaniards. It is said the Spaniards liked their avocados three ways, with salt, with sugar or both. Although actual guacamole recipes were not well preserved the Spaniards documented their likes for the avocado fruit. The Aztecs believed the avocado to be an aphrodisiac. Clearly this had something to do with the popularity of the food with the Spaniards. Another reason for the popularity of the fruit was the fact that the avocado has the highest fat content of any fruit. The Aztecs had a very low fat diet compared with today's standards. You can understand how a fruit that contained life sustaining fats and protein could become so highly regarded.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Manu, Gabriel, Gustavo

Happy Birthday, Maria Victória

On your birthday We wish you much pleasure and joy.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Saint Valentine refers to one or more saints of ancient Rome. The feast of Saint Valentine was formerly celebrated on February 14th by the Catholic Church until the revised 1969 calendar. His birth date and birthplace are unknown. Valentine's name does not occur in the earliest list of Roman martyrs.

The name was a popular one in Late Antiquity, with its connotations of valens, "being strong". Several emperors and a pope bore the name. It may have been an attempt to supersede the pagan holiday of Lupercalia that was still being celebrated in fifth-century Rome,
on February 15.
Many of the current legends that characterise Saint Valentine were invented in the fourteenth century in England, notably by Geoffrey Chaucer and his circle, when the feast day of February 14th first became associated with romantic love.
Today the holiday is celebrated widely thoughout the world by lovers and friends. Brazil is an exception and celebrates the ``dia dos namorados`` on June 12th. In the United States and Canada it is common to give a box of chocolate to the people you love. In each US classroom, the children exchange cards with each other, professing their friendship.
At night it is a custom to take your significant other (wife or girlfriend) to a restaurant for a romantic meal.

Milena and Tommy

Saturday, February 03, 2007

How do you fend off a dangerous dog?

A five-year-old girl in Merseyside has been killed by what police describe as a pit bull terrier type of dog. But what should people do when confronted by what they think is a dangerous dog?
Ellie Lawrenson died of severe head and neck injuries after being mauled at her grandmother's house in St Helens.
The exact circumstances of her death are unclear, but it would appear a small girl like her could do little to defend herself against a killer dog.
However experts say if an individual believes a dog could be intent on attacking them, there are ways to help to defuse the situation.

No sudden movements
Put hands in pockets
Avoid eye contact
Back away but do not run away
Children can accidentally provoke a dog
Never try to break up two fighting dogs
"Standing still and put your hands in pockets because they like to get hold of something," says Madeleine Forsyth, a veterinary surgeon and non-practising barrister based in York. "A waving arm is an obvious target."
source BBC

Saturday, January 27, 2007

A Man Without a Country

Disponível na biblioteca da escola em inglês.

A Man Without a Country é o mais novo livro de Kurt Vonnegut, seu trabalho mais conhecido deve ser Matadouro 5, mas escreveu mais de trinta romances. Agora, aos 84 anos, (agora não, em 2005) publica esta coleção de ensaios, são textos corrosivos, mas, por vezes, com muito humor, por exemplo: "A última coisa que eu queria era estar vivo quando os homens mais poderosos do planeta se chamam Bush, Dick e Colon" O autor critica a política estado-unidense, os líderes do seu país, a dependência do automóvel, as invasões e mentiras perpetuadas em nome do petróleo.
Vonnegut ficou meio estigmatizado como escritor de ficção científica, sobre isso ele escreve:
Tornei-me um "escritor de ficção científica" quando alguém decretou que eu era um escritor de ficção científica. Eu não queria ser classificado como tal, por isso me perguntei de que maneira eu havia ofendido as regras para não merecer o crédito de escritor sério. Decidi que era porque eu escrevia sobre tecnologia, e os melhores escritores americanos nada sabem sobre tecnologia. Fui classificado como escritor de ficção científica simplesmente porque escrevi sobre Schenectady, Nova York. Meu primeiro livro, Revolução no futuro, era sobre Schenectady. Existem imensas fábricas em Schenectady e nada mais. Eu e meus companheiros éramos engenheiros, físicos, químicos e matemáticos. E, quando escrevi sobre a companhia General Electric e Schenectady, pareceu uma fantasia do futuro para críticos que nunca tinham visto o local.
E destila o seu pessimismo em várias partes do livro, destaco esta:
Já se deram conta de que toda grande literatura — Moby Dick, As aventuras de Huckleberry Finn, Adeus às armas, A letra escarlate, A glória de um covarde, A Ilíada e A Odisséia, Crime e castigo, a Bíblia e "A carga da brigada ligeira" — fala da merda que é pertencer à espécie humana? (E não é um grande alívio ouvir alguém dizer isso?)
E dá conselhos:
"Se querem realmente magoar seus pais e não têm coragem de se tornar gays, o mínimo que podem fazer é entrar para as artes. Não estou brincando. As artes não são uma maneira de ganhar a vida, são uma maneira de tornar a vida mais suportável. Cantem no chuveiro. Dancem ao som do rádio. Contem histórias. Escrevam um poema a um amigo, até mesmo um poema horrível. Façam isso da melhor maneira que puderem. Receberão uma enorme recompensa. Terão criado algo."
Kur Vonnegut é de origem alemã, nasceu nos Estados Unidos no dia 11 de novembro de 1922. Em 1945 testemunhou o bombardeio de Dresden enquanto prisioneiro de guerra, ele foi um dos sete sobreviventes. Esta experiência deu origem a Matadouro 5.
Sobre Dresden ele escreve em Um homem sem pátria:
Vi a destruição de Dresden. Vi a cidade antes, e então saí de um abrigo antiaéreo e a vi depois, e certamente uma das minhas reações foi a risada. Sabe Deus, é a alma buscando algum alívio.
Qualquer assunto está sujeito à risada e imagino que houve risadas de algum tipo muito grotesco entre as vítimas de Auschwitz.
O humor é quase uma reação fisiológica ao medo. Freud disse que o humor é uma reação à frustração — uma das muitas reações.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Turn the pages of your imagination...READ

Alguns dos livros que você encontrará na nossa biblioteca, podem ser emprestados inclusive nas férias:

A GESTURE LIFE Chang-rae Lee
A HISTORY OF GOD Karen Armstrong
ABSALOM, ABSALOM! William Faulkner
AMISTAD David Franzoni
AN UNQUIET MIND Kay Redfield Jamison
ANIMAL FARM George Orwell
ARIEL Robert Lowell
AUDIOBOOKS Edgar Allan Poe

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Man returns book overdue since 1960

POSTED: 3:11 p.m. EST, January 7, 2007

HANCOCK, Michigan (AP) -- Robert Nuranen handed the local librarian a book he'd checked out for a ninth-grade assignment -- along with a check for 47 years' worth of late fees.
Nuranen said his mother misplaced the copy of "Prince of Egypt" while cleaning the house. The family came across it every so often, only to set it aside again. He found it last week while looking through a box in the attic.
"I figured I'd better get it in before we waited another 10 years," he said after turning it in Friday with the $171.32 check. "Fifty-seven years would be embarrassing."
The book, with its last due date stamped June 2, 1960, was part of the young Nuranen's fascination with Egypt. He went on to visit that country and 54 others, and all 50 states, he said, but he never did finish the book.
Nuranen now lives in Los Angeles, where he teaches seventh-grade social studies and language arts.
The library had long ago lost any record of the book, librarian Sue Zubiena said.
"I'm going to use it as an example," she said. "It's never too late to return your books."

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Composition - Maria Victória

The Best Trip of My Life

The best trip of my life was on the end of December of 2005. I went on a cruise named Costa Victória with my parents and my brother. The ship was very beautiful and fancy. It rained a little but most of the time the weather was perfect. I had a lot of fun and I made a new friend his name is Frederico and we still keep in touch by msn. There were many different kinds of food from fast food to pasta and fancy, all of them were delicious! I took many pictures there and I’ll always remember the unforgettable days that I spent there.
Maria Victória - Dynstar 3 (Intensivo 2007)
My name is Maria Victória and I’m 11 years old. I study at Dom Bosco and I’m starting 6th grade this year. I play fencing and I study English. Both twice a week. When I grow up I want to be a cartoonist, because I love to draw. My bad habit is that I watch a lot of TV. But I really like to read, so when I’m reading I don’t watch TV. One thing that I wish is to go out more often on weekend. It’s very boring to stay while you could be having at the mall or at the movies. I have a younger brother but we don’t get along very well.
Maria Victória - Dynstar 3 (Intensivo 2007)

On my next vacation I’ll have a great time! In December I won’t travel, I’m just going to enjoy it here in Curitiba with my friends. But in January I’ll travel to Chili crossing Argentina from the east to the west side! And I’m gonna have an amazing adventure crossing The Andes! And when my vacation finishes I’ll start 6th grade!
Maria Victória - Dynstar 2 - Second semester 2006
Second semester 2006

Hey, guys! My name is Maria Victória. I live in Curitiba and I study at Dom Bosco (Batel). I’m in Dynstar 2. I love Number one’s Halloween party and its Chirstmas. My favorite subject is History. I like to go to the movies and I like a lot to watch High School Musical!!!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Rodrigo Cordeiro, nosso aluno D4, jogador do Atlético Paranaense.

Caf 4 - Formatura

Milena André Ramon

Aline Sílvia Ermelinda

Friday, January 05, 2007